Otkriće u primjeni laserskog čišćenja velikih ravnih površina – FOKUSER /New invention for laser technology – HAND HELD FOCUSER

Kako postići ? % učinkovitosti u rukovanju laserom?

Najveća prepreka u radu sa laserom je držati lasersku zraku cijelo vrijeme u “fokusu”. Naime, samo kad je zraka u fokusu ona učinkovito čisti površine.

Na primjer, laserski pištolj držimo u ruci i njime tražimo udaljenost i kut (fokus) zrake u odnosu na površinu koju čistimo. Nakon određenog vremena ruka se umori, zadrhti, itd., i zraka nije u fokusu!

Ekipa www.laserskociscenje.hr je napravila izvrstan fokuser kojim smo postigli ? % učinkovito čišćenje laserom i izbjegli umaranje ruku za vrijeme rada!

VIDEO – kliknite ovdje.


How to achieve ?% efficiency in handling the laser?

The biggest obstacle in working with a laser is to keep the laser beam in “focus” all the time. Namely, only when the beam is in focus it effectively cleans surfaces.

For example, we hold a laser gun in our hand and use it to search for the distance and angle (focus) of the beam in relation to the surface we are cleaning. After a certain time, the hand gets tired, trembles, etc., and the beam is not in focus!

The www.laserskociscenje.hr team made an excellent focuser with which we achieved ?% effective laser cleaning and avoided hand fatigue during work!

Video – click here.

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