Lasersko čišćenje “Z” noge vanbrodskog motora
Lasersko čišćenje pokazalo se kao izvrsno rješenje za obnovu i temeljito čišćenje “Z” noge, tj. doljnjeg dijela brodskog motora.
Korištenje continuous lasera, snage 2000 W, omogućilo je da se to obavi vrlo brzo, detaljno te bez onečišćenja.
Zahvaljujući tome, motor će vrlo brzo biti spreman za bojanje i ponovnu upotrebu.
VIDEO ČIŠĆENJA 1 – kliknite ovdje.
VIDEO ČIŠĆENJA 2 – kliknite ovdje.
Laser cleaning of the “Z” leg of the outboard motor
Laser cleaning proved to be an excellent solution for the restoration and thorough cleaning of the “Z” leg, i.e. the lower part of the marine engine. The use of a continuous laser, with a power of 2000 W, made it possible to do it very quickly, in detail and without pollution.
Thanks to this, the engine will be ready for painting and reuse very quickly.
Video 1 – click here.
Video 2 – click here.
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