Lasersko čišćenje podvozja automobila
Na teško dostupnim djelovima automobila s vremenom se pojavljuje hrđa što dovodi do propadanja.
Lasersko čišćenje pokazalo se kao izvrsno rješenje takvih problema.
Korištenjem naših lasera u potpunosti su očišćene sve zahrđale površine, a podvozje je zaštićeno premazom.
Kako je automobil sada tehnički ispravan, razina sigurnosti prilikom vožnje je povećana te je automobilu produžen vijek trajanja.
VIDEO ČIŠĆENJA 1 – kliknite ovdje.
VIDEO ČIŠĆENJA 2 – kliknite ovdje.
Laser cleaning of car undercarriage
Over time, rust appears on the hard-to-reach parts of the car, which leads to deterioration.
Laser cleaning has proven to be an excellent solution to such problems.
Using our lasers, all rusted surfaces were completely cleaned, and the chassis was protected with a coating.
As the car is now technically sound, the level of safety while driving has increased and the life of the car has been extended.
Video 1 – click here.
Video 2 – click here.
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