Lasersko čišćenje masnoće i boje
Evo pogledajmo još jedan primjer efikasnog čišćenja laserom- “špahtla” uprljana slojevima zakorjele masnoće i stare otvrdnute boje!
Čini se kao nemoguća misija za čišćenje!
Međutim ne i za laser! Sa našim laserom marke MRJ laser jačine 100 W- čišćenje je gotovo za nekoliko minuta!
VIDEO ČIŠĆENJA – kliknite ovdje.
Laser cleaning of grease and paint
Here, let’s look at another example of effective laser cleaning – a “spatula” soiled with layers of hardened grease and old hardened paint!
It seems like an impossible mission to clean up!
However, not for the laser! With our 100 W MRJ laser, cleaning is done in a few minutes!
Video – click here.
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