Lasersko čišćenje klipa motora
Metoda laserskog čišćenja je potpuno neabrazivna, te se iz tog razloga sve više primjenjuje u auto-moto industriji i mehanici. Laser svojim djelovanjem skida, tj. čisti sve naslage nastale za vrijeme radnog vijeka motora i njegovih sastavnih dijelova. To je važno zato što nastale naslage skraćuju vijek trajanja motora i umanjuju njegovu učinkovitost.
Za razliku od tradicionalnih metoda čišćenja, kod čišćenja laserom nisu potrebne nikakve dodatne zaštite, jer laser nit “praši”, niti prlja okolinu. Omogućuje čišćenje motora i svih njegovih dijelova tako da se motor gotovo ne mora ni rastaviti. Kako je lasersko čišćenje 100% EKOLOŠKA metoda, ne dovodi do štetnih učinaka na okoliš.
Video zapis čišćenja klipa motora- kliknite
Laser cleaning of engine piston
It is known that the method of laser cleaning is completely non-abrasive, and as such is increasingly used in car and motorcycle industry. Laser removes and/or cleans all deposits formed during the the life cycle of the engine and its components. The resulting deposits shorten the life of the engine and reduce its efficiency.
Unlike traditional cleaning methods, laser cleaning does not require any additional protection, because the laser nor “dusts”, neither pollutes the environment. The engine and its parts can be cleaned almost without disassembling the engine. As laser cleaning is 100% ECOLOGICAL method the impact on the environment is harmless.
Engine piston cleaning video – click here.
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