Lasersko čišćenje kamene skulpture

Lasersko čišćenje kamene skulpture

Vanjski atmosferski utjecaji uzrokovali su nakupljanje različitih taloga i nečistoća na skulpturi u umjetničkom postavu “Pod vedrim nebom”. U kratkom vremenu uređajem za lasersko čišćenje, nečistoće i talozi su uklonjeni te je skulpturi vraćen prvobitni izgled.

VIDEO ČIŠĆENJA – kliknite ovdje.

Laser cleaning of stone sculpture

External atmospheric influences caused the accumulation of various sediments and impurities on the sculpture in the art installation “Under a clear sky”. In a short time, impurities and deposits were removed with a laser cleaning device and the sculpture was restored to its original appearance.

Video – click here.

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