Lasersko čišćenje industrijske dizalice

Lasersko čišćenje industrijske dizalice

Specijalna dizalica u prošlosti je bojana specijalnim bojama s debelim višeslojnim premazom te je zahtijevala čišćenje i obnovu.

Obnova postrojenja industrijske dizalice povjerena je ekipi

Razlog je jednostavan. Lasersko čišćenje omogućuje da dizalica neometano radi dok laser čisti hrđu i ostatke boje!

Posao se odvija u etapama. Dogovorena površina se laserom čisti, zatim odmah premazuje zaštitnim slojem boje.

VIDEO ČIŠĆENJA 1 – kliknite ovdje.
VIDEO ČIŠĆENJA 2 – kliknite ovdje.


Laser cleaning of industrial crane

The special crane was painted in the past with special paints with a thick multi-layer coating and required cleaning and restoration.

The renovation of the industrial crane was entrusted to the team.

The reason is simple. Laser cleaning allows the crane to run smoothly while the laser cleans rust and paint residue!

The work takes place in stages. The agreed surface is cleaned with a laser, then immediately coated with a protective layer of paint.

Video 1 – click here.

Video 2 – click here.

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