Lasersko čišćenje broda

Lasersko čišćenje broda

Korištenje konvencionalnih metoda čišćenja pri rekonstrukciji i obnovi broda/jahte dužine 30 metara zahtjevno je iz više razloga. Jedan od njih je taj što te metode, kao npr. pjeskarenje, soda blasting, prilikom čišćenja uništavaju i prljaju površine u radijusu od nekoliko metara. Da bi to izbjegli i očistili slojeve boje, hrđe, masnoće i ostalih prljavština BEZ IMALO oštećenja i prljanja okoline, sve više se koristi lasersko čišćenje kao 100% ekološka i čista metoda.


Laser cleaning of yacht

The use of conventional cleaning methods during the reconstruction and restoration of a 30 meter long ship/yacht is demanding for several reasons. One of them is that these methods, such as sandblasting and soda blasting, during cleaning destroy and dirty surfaces within a radius of several meters. In order to avoid this and to clean the layers of paint, rust, grease and other dirt WITHOUT ANY damage and soiling of the environment, laser cleaning is increasingly being used as a 100% ecological and clean method.

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