Lasersko čišćenje auto karoserije 2 dio

Lasersko čišćenje auto karoserije 2 dio

“Šarka “ ili držač vrata na automobilu koja je uređena i ponovo zavarena – zahtijeva temeljito čišćenje od ostataka boje i hrđe prije novog bojanja!
Priložene fotografije i video zapisi pokazuju izvrsne rezultate i lakoću čišćenja držača vrata laserom.

VIDEO ČIŠĆENJA – kliknite ovdje.


Laser cleaning of the car body part 2

The “hinge” or door holder on a car that has been repaired and re-welded – requires a thorough cleaning of paint residue and rust before repainting!
The attached photos and videos show the excellent results and ease of cleaning the door holder with the laser.

Video – click here.

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