Laserskim čišćenjem vraćamo oldtimeru stari sjaj
Novi projekt naše ekipe laserskog čišćenja bilo je vraćanje starog sjaja Jaguaru proizvedenom 60ih godina.
Lasersko čišćenje prvi je korak u potpunoj rekonstrukciji Jaguara Temeljito se moralo čistiti hrđu na svim nedostupnim mjestima na karoseriji!
Laserskim čišćenjem takav se postupak odrađuje efikasno i bez bilo kakvog prljanja i zaprašivanja okoline!
Na snimci se vidi da se čišćenje može obaviti i bez maske!
Želite li svom oldtimeru vratiti stari sjaj, obratite nam se sa povjerenjem i dolazimo do Vas!
“Laser to go “
VIDEO ČIŠĆENJA – kliknite ovdje.
Laser cleaning brings back shine to oldtimer
The new project of our laser cleaning team was to restore the old shine to a Jaguar produced in the 60s.
Laser cleaning is the first step in the complete reconstruction of a Jaguar. The rust had to be thoroughly cleaned in all inaccessible places on the body!
With laser cleaning, such a procedure is performed efficiently and without any soiling and dusting of the environment!
The video shows that cleaning can be done without a mask!
If you want to restore your oldtimer to its old glory, contact us with confidence and we will come to you!
“Laser to go”
Video – click here.
Obratite nam se s povjerenjem